Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A long time overdue

There are many good reasons for it being so long since my last post:
   *On Saturday, February 9th, we moved into our new house.
   *We unpacked the entire house, repainted and decorated the living room.
   *Hosted our first visitors from New York: Mom, Dad, and Sarah Payne. 
    *And I started a new job.

Needless to say, the last three weeks have gone by in a whirlwind. Not a moment has gone by that we haven’t been busy. And we are loving every minute!

Just before closing after the final walk-through.
To begin, we closed on the house on February 6th. What an experience that was. When signing all the paperwork for a house, I didn’t expect to get a hand cramp, but sign away we did and it became official that we are homeowners. And just a few short days after moving in, our first, “Oh no” moment came when I realized I did something to the oven when I put it through the self-clean cycle. It just flat out wouldn’t heat-up. A problem? Not a chance. My handy hubby figured out the issue, and much to my relief we didn’t need to replace the entire oven, but replace the heating element. Simple fix. Phew!!

As we started to unpack and get a better look at the details of the home, we’ve realized that the previous homeowners were definitely not overachievers or A+ students. There are many little things that we laugh at that just were not finished to completion. For example, the ceiling in the master bedroom is painted a pastel blue (yes, I said the ceiling), but around one of the ceiling fans, the original ceiling color shines through in a ring around the fixture where they clearly didn’t paint. There are so many interesting little instances where it seems as though the previous owners just didn’t finish the job all the way. I have a feeling we’ll continue to find these little “almost-done” jobs and every time we will just have to laugh and know that there are people out there for whom perfection isn’t an option. Good enough is simply best.
Our new, very cozy sectional!
Overall though, it feels great to make the house our home. Matt and I are having fun picking out paint colors and shopping for decorations. He actually has a really great eye decorating. We are loving our new couch and the coziness of our own home. And finally, we settling into a routine.

After a whirlwind move-in and decorating week, the Paynes arrived on February 16 for a five-day trip. We so much enjoyed showing them around. It felt so great to welcome and spend time with family in our home.

After we picked them up from the airport, we quickly found out that none of them had been to a Chipotle before, so obviously we took them there for lunch. Denver’s own. You have to love a good burrito from Chipotle!! Also, during their visit, I actually had my first weekend as the Early Childhood Director at church. They were able to be part of the grand welcome reception held at Foothills. Matt and I have felt so welcomed by the community here and as sad as it was to leave our church family at home, we have been totally surrounded by a new family at Foothills. That is a specific answer to prayer as we were praying for a family away from home, and I think we’ve found just that. Even Mom Payne said that the church felt like Farmington.
Rocky Mountain National Park in February
While the Paynes were here we were able to drive the hour and a half to Estes Park, Colorado, home of Rocky Mountain National Park. I just can’t get over the fact that in such a short drive from our house, we can visit a National Park. So awesome! While we were there enjoying the beautiful Rockies, we saw herds of Elk. Just breathtaking to see so many all at once. Matt and I can’t wait to go back and explore on our snowshoes. We’ve heard the hike around Bear Lake is fabulous! Not only will we go back during the winter, but it has to be awe-inspiring at summertime, so I think we’ll go then too.

I even have a sign outside my office!
As for my job at Foothills, I couldn’t be happier or better suited to do this job at this time in my life. It is a much needed change of pace from teaching, and I love working part-time. I have time in my week to think about cooking, cleaning and doing laundry, all things that stressed me out before because my mind was consumed by all things school. Now, when I am home, I can just be home. Soon, Matt and I will be planning for Baby’s arrival, and I am so fortunate to be able to focus energy on that exciting time.

In fact, this week marks halfway of the pregnancy, so we really need to start thinking about all things baby. We will have our 20-week ultrasound this Thursday where we will NOT find out if it’s a boy or a girl. This week I also signed up for birthing classes at the hospital during the month of April so we can gain a little perspective on the big birth day, something I continue to put off thinking about.

Snow angels with Aunt Shea
Thinking about fun adventures, this weekend we got the chance to see family again when we drove to Breckenridge on I-70 through the mountains to visit Uncle Garry and Aunt Shea who were vacationing there. We spent most of the day Saturday touring the village, snowshoeing, eating good food, and enjoying great conversation with them. I am so glad we were able to spend time with them! And Breckenridge, wow! This is another place we’ll have to return to as we didn’t even scratch the surface of all the fun things there to experience!

Breckenridge snowshoeing path
Now, looking forward to this weekend, Matt is actually going with a large group of men from the church to Estes Park for a few days in the mountains. We’ve met some other people our age through a small group we’ve attended the last two weeks and many of the guys from the small group will be there. I pray that Matt has the chance to make great connections with them as they’re doing their guy thing. And although I’ll be at home, I won’t be there alone because my mom will be here for the weekend. I am so excited to spend time with her exploring AND painting (I hope she doesn’t mind me putting her to work).

All in all, I continue to be amazed at the ease of our transition. I am thankful for everyone who has continued to reach out to us, making us feel welcome. We miss everyone at home and look forward to May when we will be able to come home for a short time to see family and friends. It will be here before we know it!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


What an incredible first full week Matt and I have had together as residents of Colorado. In the last week we have felt so taken care of, all of our needs met, by the One who set this all into motion. Starting off first with so clearly finding a church for us to already call home.

Last Sunday we went to Foothills Community Church for the second time, the first being our visit in December. We were greeted by friends we've already made through my job search. After getting a tour of the church and witnessing cool ministries taking place, Matt and I were in tears during the worship time singing, "Lord I'm amazed by you, and how you love me." It was one of those times when there is no denying how present God is in our life and how He so clearly orchestrated and made possible our new journey. Moving so far away from home has made me realize how small a part of the world I truly am, and yet I am cared about, all of our needs met. And not just provided for, but blessed with new friends, a new home, a baby on the way, and an overall easy transition thus far.

New Friends and Connecting with Old Friends:
Last week was a time of connecting with so many new faces and diving in to begin developing what I know will be lasting friendships. First and foremost, we are so thankful for the generosity and support of the McGanns. We visited Jim and Mary Kay a week ago Sunday for the evening. They already feel like a family away from home. Mary Kay is one of Laurie Payne's best friends from growing up, and Matt and I can see why they've remained lifelong friends. (I can't wait to witness to their reunion next week. Oh the party they'll have!) We have so much enjoyed getting to know their family and feel already so taken care of and loved out here in Denver so far away from our own families.

Another unique reconnection has been with Grove City collegemates. Thanks to facebook I've reconnected with two girls who graduated the year ahead of me as elementary education majors. Grovers are everywhere and ironically enough, Jess and Anne both live a short distance away from our new home in Thornton. I had the chance to spend the morning on Thursday with Jess and her super adorable two-year-old. I enjoyed talking to her, learning about mommy-hood and plenty about our new surroundings in Colorado. Then, for Super Bowl Sunday, Matt and I were invited to Anne's house to meet her family and friends. Matt was able to meet both Jess and Anne's families. Again, I am so amazed at how easy it has been to make connections with people. Everyone is so friendly and genuinely excited to get to know us and make us feel welcome here.

I've also been doing my best to be a "phone-talker" with people at home. I'm not the best at phone converstaions, mostly because I get distracted while I'm chatting away, but I've loved the phone calls I've received. They brighten my day. One of my favorite surprise phone calls was from Grandma Bauer. I loved updating her and telling her all about the new things we're experiencing. Also last week, Adina Facetimed me during the school day. My former students were so excited to see me on the screen. It was funny to hear them ask, "Do you remember me, Mrs. Payne?" as if I'd forgotten after two weeks of being gone. I don't think it would be possible to forget them.

Keeping Busy:
One of the times I was most worried about in the transition was during our 17 days in the hotel before moving into our house. Without a job or knowing too many people, I was worried that I might be lonely during the days when Matt went off to work, but it's been just the opposite. Between exploring around, spending time with new friends, catching up on Downton Abbey, reading some "mommy books"(thanks Liz Kulp for the suggestion), learning to crochet a baby blanket, and running errands, I've been perfectly balanced and enjoying the downtime I've had. And yes, I did say, crochet a baby blanket. Grandma would be proud.

The powers of youtube tutorials. Last week I sat down, watch a "how-to" video and went to work. This picture is after day 1, so the blanket is getting bigger now. Still not big enough to wrap around our little one, but it's sizeable. And, the color scheme. I chose the gender neutral colors of green, yellow and white since we've decided not to find out the sex of Baby Payne, but did anyone else see what I did after I started working on this? I swear it was not intentionally, it was just my Packer pride shining through subliminally while buying yarn. I think given the colors of the blanket, we'll have no choice but to raise this baby a Packer's fan. Unless of course baby grows up to be a Broncos fan, which is not too shabby of a deal either. (I just don't know if I can knowingly subject baby to the heartbreak of being a Bills fan.)

In addition to my new-found crocheting talent, Percy and I have also been walking in the beautiful, sunny Denver weather every day. He loves January in Colorado as much as we do. I think he's a much happier dog since going for daily walks.

This picture is of our hike last Saturday in Chataqua Park in Boulder. We hiked the First Flat-Iron trail. Honestly, I was miserable to start, never having felt more pregnant. Between the change in altitude and my heavy, out-of-shape breathing, I was certainly struggling, needing to take frequent breaks. (I desperately miss my hiking shoes. I can't believe I had them packed away with the movers. My sneakers are just not cutting it!) Matt, being the responsible father-to-be, almost made us turn around half-way for fear baby wouldn't be getting enough oxygen. However, my strong-will prevailed and we changed nearly 1200 feet in elevation in the short 1.1 miles to the near-summit. We just can't get over the beauty of the Rockies and how cool it is that we can drive 20 miles from our home to be at the foothills, hiking. It's our dream come true!! (Note the blue skies!!)

Another way we kept busy last week was searching for a doctor. The good news is, after our first appointment, we are excited about our new doctor. Although I was a little hesitant to have a male doctor, his bedside manner was wonderful and he made us feel right at home and confident that we made the right decision to go with him. So, our next steps will be scheduling classes at the hospital. Birthing classes 101, here we come!

Job Front:
Matt is starting to settle into his new job. This week he traveled back to Chicago for another training on Monday and Tuesday. He will fortunately be back tomorrow to CLOSE ON OUR HOUSE!!!! He is still waiting to figure out exactly what project(s) he'll be working on, but overall he is remaining positive as everything ramps up.

As for my job, I am hopeful that I'll begin working part-time soon as the Early Childhood Director at Foothills Community Church. I've loved getting to know so many new faces at the church and getting involved right away. I am thankful for their flexibility and dilligence in searching for the best candidate to fill the position. As I said earlier, Foothills already feels like our home away from home.

The week ahead:
This week we are looking forward to becoming homeowners. Ahh!! There will be little things to fix-up along the way as we are not buying the perfectly renovated home. And while we've been comfortable in our current situation at the Residence Inn, we're ready to be settled in something we can call our own. So, prayers for closing on Wednesday and moving in on Saturday!! Then, we will excitedly await our first visitors on February 16th!!! Can't wait to see you Mom, Dad and Sarah Payne!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Week in Fast-Forward

It's exactly a week ago today that Matt and I hopped in his white Subaru Legacy, packed ready to travel across the country. Our adventure finally began and now is in full swing. After visiting Allison and Tim in Akron, Ohio, the Sivolas in bitter cold Applington, Iowa, and Becca and Caleb in Richmond, Missouri, we set out for our final leg across Kansas to Colorado. As we were driving across the very flat state, continuing the read aloud of the first book in the Hunger Games series, it finally dawned on me that this was a one-way trip. This realization came when we got in the car on Tuesday morning in Hays, Kansas and Matt said, "Well, about 5 more hours until we get home." Wow! Home. Colorado. My heart skipped a beat. Excitement. Nerves. All the emotions of a pregnant lady. Our new home on our new adventure. And now, we're home.

I think my new life motto is: "Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home." I came across this quote when decorating pottery with Katie last Friday, and although I chose a different quote about home to write on my new art piece, this quote about a journey seems most applicable to life in general right now. We are most certainly on a journey!!

The house journey:
    Right now our temporary home at the Residence Inn in Westminster, Colorado is perfect. It's comfortable and suitable to meet all of our needs. Even Percy can feel a sense of normalcy. He's eating again after the hunger strike he was on while riding across the country. I know Emily wouldn't believe us, but he's actually mellowed out quite a bit. It's refreshing.
   In our little hotel room, there's a little kitchenette equipped with fridge, dishwasher, microwave and stovetop. I've been able to go grocery shopping to stock up on some basics. I thought about going to King Sooper or Safeway, the big grocery stores in Colorado, but longing for a little bit of familiarity, I went shopping at the nearby Wal-Mart.
    Matt has been working so hard to get paperwork for the house prepared. We're finalizing everything we need for the lenders. And actually, on Thursday morning, we got to see our house again. The inspector went back to check some of the electrical work that was fixed and we tagged along. I am in love with our house. I can't wait to get our things unpacked, buy some new furniature to fill it, and get ready for guests!! I'm already counting down the days for the Mom, Dad and Sarah Payne to come visit in February. And then after that, Mom, Dad and Devyn Figler are coming at Easter. This next week I think I'll search on Craig's list for some cheap, but nice guest room furniature to put in our guest rooms. Oh, and my excitement for decorating a nursery!!! It sure will be nice to get in our home on February 9th. =)

The job journey:
   Although Matt started his job on January 2nd, his first day of work on Thursday as a resident of Colorado went as well as could be expected. I drove him to work and isn't he lucky with the view from his building? The Rocky Mountains to the west, beautifully snow-capped and gorgeous to view. It's a breathtaking sight, really. For his first day, he got to set up his office since he's the first of his team out here. Next week he'll be joined by another colleague and they'll truly be able to get started. I had planned to ride with him to Fort Collins for the day on Friday because we still have only one vehicle, but I ended up staying here in the hotel drinking lots of water and resting from what I believe is a little bit of altitude sickness. Matt just acted out the various symptoms listed on Wikipedia and I think we both need to drink a whole lot more water to help our bodies adjust to the new heights of the mile-high city.
   I've found in the last two days that I cannot go through life without a purpose. Thursday and Friday were a bit eyeopening. I can't see sitting in a hotel room, or go sightseeing for that matter, without a sense of purpose or giving back. As a teacher, each day I was able to invest in the lives of children, but now, I am praying for a new mission. A new way to give to the people around me. Walking around the world in my own little bubble isn't what this adventure was intended for on my end.
    The good news is, I've been pursuing a part-time opportunity at a local church as an Early Childhood Director. Matt and I first read about it when we attended Foothills Community Church at the beginning of December when we first visited the Denver area. After several conversations with staff members from Foothills, I am hopeful that if this is the next step in my life of mission in service to others, then everything will continue to fall in to place. I am so looking forward to what this church and position hold for our family. Last night, in fact, we went to dinner with two couples from the church and it came at a perfect time. It was great to get to know some new friends and faces on the third night here in the suburbs of Denver. God is certainly providing for each and every one of our needs. We are thankful to the Williams and Adams families for making us feel welcome so early in our adventure.

The baby journey:
   At this point, I'm 15 weeks along in pregnancy and from what I've read, little baby's sense of sound is developing. I guess I shouldn't sing too much in the shower anymore for fear of giving birth to a totally tone-deaf child. But in all seriousness, it's crazy to think that in several short months we'll be parents. I did schedule appointments with two different offices here. One in Boulder, one in Thornton. I think I'll go to both and figure out which group of doctors I might prefer. It's such a difficult decision to make. Also, I think some time soon I'll go to the local library and find some books to read so I have some tools in the mother toolbelt. Matt and I are looking forward to somehow preparing ourselves for parenthood, although we know there's nothing that will quite get us ready.

The weekend journey:

    Today we went to Garden of the Gods which a quick day trip. Right in our backyard. After a quick three mile hike we realized that, yet again, we are over 5,280 above sea level, and we were ready to head back home for a nap due to our fatigue. Soon we will travel back to the Pike's Peak region in Colorado Springs. Maybe we'll take family there when they come to visit.

For now, those are the updates. We can't wait for the week ahead and the new experiences that await us!! I'm hoping by next week at this time we'll have adjusted to the new altitudes as well as the new time-zone. (Maybe then I won't be tired at 7:30 and wide awake at 5:30...)